Provincial Grand Lodge
of the Midland Counties
Welcome address from the
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master,
R. W. Bro Cecil Wellwood.
I warmly welcome you to the official website of the
Masonic Province of the Midlands Counties.
This I believe will provide to our readers a comprehensive
insight into Freemasonry in all its aspects within our borders.
You will see set out the principles of our Order,
together with our history, information about the lodges and their activities,
including the charitable work undertaken.
This work is one of the most important aspects of Freemasonry.
Our order instills into us a moral and ethical approach to life,
seeking to promote thoughtfulness to others, kindness in the community, honesty in business, courtesy in society and fairness in all things.
Freemasonry enables men from different parts of society to meet
together as equals regardless of religious background, political learning, class or any other social category.
I invite you to make contact with us for further information through our Provincial Grand Secretary pgsotmc@gmail.com